Codesign Framework







Cultivate the conditions necessary to conduct codesign research.

Define Roles & Distribute Power

Identify the stakeholder groups that will be working together, define their roles, and assess the power dynamics.

Identify Shared Problems

Identify the shared problems and root causes between all stakeholders.

Identify Obstacles & Opportunities

Identify the external and internally imposed issues that may prevent a smooth process.


Engage in the co-creation of shared purpose, processes and commitments.

Create Shared Meaning

Identify the shared values and beliefs that will guide the research process.

Establish Conditions of Success

Setup processes, support tools, communication approaches, shared accountability structures for the duration of the codesign research experience.

Create shared commitments

Co-create and sign MOUs, data-share agreements, and contracts.


Design a research plan for how you will test the solution.

Explore Research Questions

Develop a logic model or hypothesis that will guide the study.

Identify Methods & Tools

Select tools and approaches that facilitate equitable codesign processes.

Set the Research Timeline

Create a timeline that includes semi-frequent check-ins with all stakeholders.


Implement the study, analyze the results, and make iterations

Implementation and Data Collection

Once the plan is made and all stakeholders are bought in, it’s time to implement the solution and collect the data.

Analyze the results of the study

To minimize bias, independent researchers analyze the results and present them to educators and students.

Make product improvements

Teachers and students make recommendations for product improvements.


Publish and circulate the results of the study and prepare for continued partnership.

Create shared deliverables

Create and publish actionable deliverables that explain the results of the process in plain language.

Circulate the Findings

Identify the shared problems and root causes between all stakeholders.

Commit to Next Steps

Identify a set of commitments that allows for partnership sustainability and continuous improvement.