Design a research plan for how you will test the solution.

The phases of the Design stage are traditionally the domain of the researcher or product developer. However, in codesign, we want to include the insights of expertise of the end users—families, students, educators—who are typically excluded in the design phase. Researchers should still rely on their domain knowledge to guide this process in order to integrate the goals and aspirations of each stakeholder group into a well-designed research project.

Explore Research Questions

Develop a logic model or hypothesis that will guide the study.

One of the most important beliefs to interrogate among the stakeholders is how and why they believe this partnership and research project will create change. This can be done through either the creation of a logic model or defining research questions. A research question is the most fundamental part of the study. It’s used to determine what part of the solution or its implementation is measured. A logic model can be expanded from that research question. It is used to define the activities of the project, resulting effects, and shared outcomes.


  • Orient the group in the same direction.

  • Define what the group is trying to achieve and how they will achieve it.

  • Create a logic model.



Identify Methods & Tools

Select tools and approaches that facilitate equitable codesign processes.

It's important that research methods and tools are practical for the realities of the school day. Educators are busy; additionally, there are union constraints and district protocols that can put restrictions on time available to engage.

Researchers should define broad parameters for the data that they need to collect and the methods and tools most appropriate to conduct a study with fidelity. 

Within those parameters, the stakeholders should agree to methods and tools that are practical, non-invasive, and efficient. These could include focus groups or interviews during non-instructional time, survey tools, or user diaries


  • Identify the best and most equitable ways to capture data.

  • Create space for participants to give and receive feedback in multiple modalities.



Set the Timeline & Finalize the Plan

Finalize the research plan by creating an implementation timeline.

The research plan should include all the relevant information that will be needed for the research project, including: who is involved along with their contact information and responsibilities, the research questions, the tools and methods that will be used, the cadence and format of check-ins and data collection. This research plan should be a living document that is accessible to all stakeholders and managed by the research team to document the progress of the research project.


  • Centralize all information needed in the research process.

  • Create an accessible way for stakeholders to check in on progress and responsibilities.



